2019년 1월 24일 목요일

How to enjoy FamGam game (4) - How to use the FamGam Heart

[FamGam] Smartphone gaming platform for enjoying together with family members
'Family Game' for all ages and young people!

<How to enjoy FamGam game (4) - How to use the FamGam Heart>
The FamGam game is developed in a variety of formats for the whole family to enjoy together.
And it also has a safeguard that prevents gamers from being buried too much in one game. An example of a safety device is that the number of plays per day of the FamGam game is limited to 10 (so that the play time of one day is less than one hour).
The default speed of the game character is set to a level that can be enjoyed freely from infants to adults.
Nevertheless, if you want to play longer, or move your character at a faster pace, try purchasing a Pam Jam Heart by clicking on the heart button marked with the red dot above.
A variety of services are provided to make it fun for any family who enjoys FamGam

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